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iSMS Philippines API for Scheduler

List All Task Schedule via HTTPS:
Create New Task Schedule via HTTPS:

System will return Scheduler ID after success.(Scheduler ID will use to Update and Delete)

Parameter Description Sample
*un Your iSMS Username AdminABC
*pwd Your iSMS Password pw123
*dstno Destination Number 639217311111,639217311112
*msg Message Hello iSMS
*det Task Description TEST
*tr Trigger(onetime, daily, weekly, monthly) onetime
*type 1 or 2 (1 = normal, 2 = unicode) 1
*sendid Sender ID isms
*date Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 2025-02-12
*hour Hour (00 - 23) 08
*min Minute (00, 15, 30, 45) 15
*week Day of week (1 - 7) 1
*month Month (1 - 12) 1
*day Day of month (1 - 31) 1

Update Task Schedule via HTTPS:

Parameter Description Sample
*un Your iSMS Username AdminABC
*pwd Your iSMS Password pw123
*dstno Destination Number 639217311111,639217311112
*msg Message Hello iSMS
*det Task Description TEST
*tr Trigger(onetime, daily, weekly, monthly) onetime
*type 1 or 2 (1 = normal, 2 = unicode) 1
*sendid Sender ID isms
*date Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 2025-02-12
*hour Hour (00 - 23) 08
*min Minute (00, 15, 30, 45) 15
*week Day of week (1 - 7) Monday - Sunday 1
*month Month (1 - 12) 1
*day Day of month (1 - 31) 1
*scid Scheduler ID 123456
*action Action Parameter update

Delete Task Schedule via HTTPS:
Parameter Description Sample
*un Your iSMS Username AdminABC
*pwd Your iSMS Password pw123
*scid Scheduler ID - return value from create new task scheduler 123456
*action Action Parameter delete